Biodiesel, learn where it comes from




Biodiesel is produced through a chemical reaction called transesterification of triglycerides, the mixture of vegetable oils or animal fats with short chain alcohols (methanol or ethanol) and glycerine as a by-product. The transesterification reaction is catalyzed by acid or base, depending on the characteristics of the oil or fat and used, and the catalyst most commonly used is caustic soda.




Biodiesel can be done with any new or used vegetable oil with animal fats and even waste or lees milling companies called fatty acids. Therefore it is considered an environmentally friendly fuel, renewable sources. See table below of oil per hectare of some oilseeds, in order of increasing production:



Palm oil from 5000 to 6000 ..............................

Cottonseed ............ 280 to 340

Castor ............................. 740-1000

Soybean .................................... 440-550

Sunflower .............................. 720 to 940

Jatropha .................. 1800 to 3000

Carnauba ......................... 1300 to 1700

Pecan nut 1430 to 1520 .......................

Macadamia ...................... 1920 to 2240

Olive ........................... 1200 to 1500

Chestnut Pará from 2000 to 2500 ...........

Avocado ............................ 2200 to 2800

Corn ................................... 170-200

Coconut ................................. 2100 to 2900

Cashew Nuts .............. 170 to 220

Jojoba ............................... 1640 to 2000

Peanut .......................... 900-1100

Cocoa ................................. 800-1000

Rice ................................... 700-900

Sesame ............................. 600 to 800

Mustard ............................. 550 to 600

Coriander seed .......... 530 to 570

Pumpkin seed .......... 500 to 600

Coffee ................................... 450-500




The chemical process of producing biodiesel is called transesterification. The new or used vegetable oil or animal fat (after filtered, dehydrated and have reduced their acidity) is placed in a container called the reactor, heated and mixed with alcohol and caustic soda. After about an hour, begins the process of settling in which the mixture separates into two levels: on top is the biodiesel and bottom of the container accumulating glycerol or glycerin. After draining the glycerol, pure biodiesel is "washed" with acid water to remove traces of methanol and other impurities. Finally, the biodiesel is filtered and ready for use, either neat or mixed with diesel without engine modifications. The entire manufacturing process takes about 8 to 10 hours.




Besides the fuel itself, the transesterification process produces glycerol which is a mixture of glycerin and residual alcohol with soda. The crude-product can be used as soap or degreaser. Once purified, the glycerin has many uses nobles, including the production of cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry. Glycerol is a noble product, comparable to petroleum naphtha.




The engine "diesel" as they are called were invented by Rudolf Diesel in 1893. In 1900, during the World Exhibition in Paris they were shown running on peanut oil. Only much later is that invented by Diesel engines began to be supplied with oil "diesel derived from petroleum. This explains why diesel engines do not require modification to run on biodiesel, which is made with vegetable oils.




It is a much better lubricant than petroleum diesel because it has great power lubricant, more viscosity and less engine wear. He also has a higher cetane number which means it is a better fuel engines giving more torque. There are engines that have logged more than 1 million km with pure biodiesel in Germany and elsewhere in Europe.




Biodiesel is an environmentally friendly product. The Kyoto Protocol suggested the manufacture and use of biodiesel and ethanol as one of the most effective ways to reduce air pollution by carbon dioxide, sulfur, methane and other greenhouse gases trainers. Biodiesel emits 98% less CO2 than oil. Furthermore, biodiesel is nontoxic (if done with ethanol, we can even drink it), is a hundred times more biodegradable than common diesel oil and produces no black smoke or unpleasant odors.




Although we first applied for worldwide patent for biodiesel in the 70's, Brazil is still very backward compared with other countries. Only the current government is that opened its first biodiesel refineries in the country. Law 11,097 of January 13, 2005, and provide incentives to companies producing biodiesel made mandatory the addition of 2% biodiesel in diesel fuel sold in the country since 2008, and in 2013 the percentage will be increased to 5% This will require domestic production of over 2 billion liters of biodiesel per year. If the domestic production of grains, seeds and other raw materials is enough we can achieve the 20% mixture used in several European countries, generating savings of diesel over 9 billion gallons per year.




In other countries the situation is quite different. Like all previous governments not interested in the process, our patent is no longer valid and several European countries began to manufacture biodiesel in the early 90s. Standardized in Europe, a mixture of 20% biodiesel and 80% diesel oil called Ecodiesel that is sold in gas stations.


Today, the world's largest producer is Germany, where nearly 2,000 stations that sell pure biodiesel and a production of over 1 billion liters per year, followed by France with 1,500 posts and 500 million liters / year. Other European countries like Czechoslovakia, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands are already well advanced in the subject. In the United States, states like California already have specific legislation requiring companies to replace fossil fuels with other less polluting sources such as hydrogen, ethanol and biodiesel by 2020. The U.S. Navy has required the use of 20% biodiesel in their ships in American waters, as of June 5, 2005. In rural states in the Midwest are already installed and running thousands of micro-biodiesel plants for their own farmers or agricultural cooperatives.




Brazil is tipped to be the world leader in biodiesel production, as is currently the world's largest producer of ethanol. Its climate, its agricultural and availability of 90 million hectares of virgin land good for agriculture (according to IBGE), qualify to be the major global supplier of green oil. As we know the known oil reserves will end within a maximum of 50 years (those of Brazil have a lifespan of 19.6 years). For this reason, countries like Brazil have great strategic importance to the world. Renowned institutions like the NBB (National Biodiesel Board) said that Brazil alone could supply 60% of global demand for biodiesel to replace diesel oil. In other words Brazil could be the Saudi Arabia of the future. However, to avoid the concentration of income and property that occurred in the Pro-Alcohol and benefit millions of farmers across the country, Brazil will decentralize production through the installation of micro and small refineries in all states, in all municipalities .




Besides Petrobras and export biodiesel producers will have a large private market. The park includes shipping companies, railways, fleets, agricultural cooperatives, municipalities, farmers, producers of oil and industrial generators and stoves that use diesel oil.




Through a BNDES program, called Financial Support Program for Biodiesel Investment. The funding covers all stages of production (agricultural phase, crude oil production, biodiesel production, storage, logistics and equipment). The program funds up to 90% of investments with financial costs subsidized from TJLP (8.25% per year) + 1% per year for projects with the Social Fuel Seal (projects that promote social inclusion of family farmers by buying raw material). The financial cost is higher for projects without the Social Fuel Seal made by large companies. In this case the financial cost is also subsidized: TJLP + 3% per annum.


The Agricultural and Finame Finame Leasing also finance the purchase of machinery, equipment, buses, tractors, harvesters, generators. In this case, if the equipment or vehicles to use at least 20% biodiesel blended with diesel, the usual deadlines Finame be increased by 25%. The guarantees required are also smaller: instead of the usual 130% on the loan amount will be only 100%. Another advantage offered by the BNDES is that in the operation phase, there may be a waiver of collateral and personal, if binding of proceeds from the Purchase and Sale and Export of Biodiesel for the BNDES or the Financial Agent.




The price of biodiesel will directly depend on the cost of major raw material, vegetable oil or animal fat, which represent over 80% of the final product price. The raw material can be obtained in five ways:


a-ready oil purchased crude and degummed, the milling industry;

b-oil grain produced with self-produced;

c-oil produced with grains of third extraction in the refinery itself;

d-used oil purchased from companies that use vegetable oil for frying;

e-biodiesel produced from animal fats (tallow, lard, etc.) or mixed with vegetable oils.


In several cases above, the producer may purchase the oil or fat at prices ranging from $ 0.50 to $ 1.05. Taking into account these increased costs in production costs and other raw materials, the cost price of a liter of biodiesel will range between $ 0.85 to $ 1.25, varying depending on where the cost of acquisition the main raw material, oil or fat. The selling price of reference is charged by Petrobras in the auctions on average $ 1.88 per liter.




The federal government and almost all State Governments encourage biodiesel producers with tax breaks. Discounts on IPI, PIS / Pasep Cofins and depend on the region's raw material and achieving or not this seal of approval that requires the producer to buy part of its raw materials from family farmers at a rate of 50% in the North / Northeast 30% Southeast and 10% in the Midwest. See table below:


PIS / PASEP and Cofins on biodiesel producers,

(Decree 5297) R $ / liter of biodiesel - numbers rounded

Mode biodiesel producer Matéria-prima/Região

Any raw material anywhere in Palma and Mammon (north and northeast)

Without Social Fuel Seal £ 0.22 (67% red) R $ 0.15 (77.5% reduction)

With Social Fuel Seal U.S. $ 0.07 (89.6% reduction) $ 0.00 (100% red)




Companies that replace diesel by biodiesel, helping in the reduction of the gases forming the greenhouse effect, have the right to issue Certificates of Emission Reduction Carbon (CO2 Bonds), which may be sold directly to companies in industrialized countries and in pockets. For each ton of diesel to stop being burned, the UN authorizes the issuance of 3.5 tonnes of carbon credits. Today, a tonne of carbon credit is listed in Europe to $ 16 Euros.